2014 Chile’s mining sector plan


Chile’s “strategic report” Posted in 2014 an important mining sector investment plans:
January, the Central Valley Mining Company plant will be expanded, after the completion of the annual output will triple, reaching 40,000 tons. National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN) and the National Copper Commission (COCHILCO) will be submitted to the Ministry of Mines reported national potential production of lithium ore, lithium ore project bidding in the future play a key role.
A quarter, the National Copper Corporation MINISTRO HALES maximum annual production capacity of copper area increased to 185,000 tons. April, EXPOMIN mining exhibition will be held in the capital, Santiago. July, LUMINA COPPER company CASERONES mining projects will reach full capacity, the project investment amounted to $ 3,000,000,000. In the first half, the National Copper Corporation CHUQUICAMATA mine underground civil works started, the investment amounted to $ 4.15 billion. In the second half Antucoya mining companies ANTUCOYA mine began production, the company “OXIDOS ENCUENTRO” civil started mining copper project, the project investment amounted to $ 400 million.