Tag Archive: Iron ore deep-processing technology

Iron ore processing and mineral separation

Iron ore is an important raw material for steel producers,the price of iron ore affect the price of steel.Following with the demand Of steel is growing greatly increased .Develop an appropriate beneficiation process,take advantage of the excellent mineral processing equipment,deep processing of iron ore, have become a thought-provoking questions.

Iron ore processing and mineral separationIron ore deep-processing technology

Multi break and less grinding is a new technology, state-of-the-art technology, obvious energy-saving, one  engineer had done a similar test for mill, feed particle size reduced to 12mm by 20mm, mill production capacity increased by 16%;Accelerating the adoption of this technology, take the road of modern technology.

Iron ore beneficiation process

A single magnetite ore fine disseminated based. Such beneficiation of iron ore production, often weak magnetic separation method. In order to obtain high-grade concentrate, sort magnetite concentrate is then reverse flotation or strike vibration fine sieve method to be addressed